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Haziran, 2021 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor

Potato Thins Manufacturing

Hi, can someone help me with the Potato thins manufacturing process ( plain/flat form of PRINGLES) and and what all additional machineries that the crackers manufacturer needs to install. 1 post - 1 participant Read full topic

Multigrain chocolate

Multigrain chocolate Dry or toast the multi grain to start off with a lower moisture. I would coat the multi grain ball, if I was you with a solution of gum Arabic or Gum Acacia. The coating gums gives the chocolate coverture a binding surface area instead of the difficult multi grain surface.

Chocolate panning and hard sugar panning

Chocolate panning and hard sugar panning ILLEXAO™ gives your chocolate new advantages. Perfect your chocolate’s taste, texture, softness, and hardness with a consistent result. Avoid softening and bloom on chocolate. Reduce costs. And much more.

Silver color coated dragees

Silver color coated dragees Taimoor the idea is clear…about luster coating which is generic in the confectionery industry. I think I have done that also during the panning of dragees during my confectionerywork years ago.

Validation Allergens

Validation Allergens We have a validated cleaning procedure for after dairy allergen process. We swab the machine surface with Agrastrip Casein from Romer Labs with LOD 1 mcg/25 cm^2 casein (

Chocolate bars recipe thoughts and opinions

Chocolate bars recipe thoughts and opinions Not necessarily. A low enough water activity can keep it shelf stable for the 6 months you are looking to get. Honey is a good humectant. I would say keep the shelf life study going until 6 months has elapsed and consider preservatives or reformulation if the bar is not acceptable after this time.

Recyclable packs and cooking bags

Hi there, I work for a poultry company and we have a project to change our packages for recyclable. I’d like to know if anyone has any material to share about this subject and we have a product packing into cooking bags but we are looking for improvements as no cracked bags after the oven, has anyone more information about it? Thank you. 1 post - 1 participant Read full topic

The method that Afghans keep their grapes fresh

The method that Afghans keep their grapes fresh Thanks for the video. Quite interesting and a simple approach. Similar to what @Roy mentioned, the naturalness of the products are usually experienced when such clay materials are used. Such methods are applied for various drinks, foods in different countries.

Masking undesirable notes in a nutraceutical drink

Masking undesirable notes in a nutraceutical drink Since these are the ingredients, I am sure you might have worked on different ratios of these ingredients before coming up with this final formulation. And that would mean that you already know the source (from among the above ingredients) of that bitter or bad Flavor.

Beer preparation

Beer preparation You can aerate the beverage so that air will oxidizes the sulfites, then you carbonized with CO2 ,then bottle it.

Food nutri score

Food nutri score Nutritional rating systems are used to communicate the nutritional value of food in a more-simplified manner, with a ranking (or rating), than nutrition facts labels. A system may be targeted at a specific audience.

How to get plasticity texture on Vegan butter?

Hi everyone! I am trying to make a vegan butter with coconut oil as the base, and I found that as the butter emulsion crystalizes and stays in the cold temperature, it will turn rock solid instead of soft and spreadable (like margarine plasticity texture). I have a stable emulsion in my system, so I am guessing that it has to do with the crystallization process of the fat. Does anyone know how the margarine crystallizer works to make that plastic texture? can I apply the same process to my vegan butter? or is there any suggestion for a better way to crystalize my vegan butteremulsion better? 1 post - 1 participant Read full topic

Food Formulation and Nutrition Labeling in Google Sheets

Food Formulation and Nutrition Labeling in Google Sheets Nutrasheets is an add-on that allows you to formulate foods and generate nutrition labels in Google Sheets. Nutrasheets can: Nutrasheets can be used for free by installing it from Google Workspace Marketplace or under the Add-ons menu → Get add-ons in Google Sheets.

Food Formulation and Nutrition Labeling in Google Sheets

Hello Fellow Food Scientists, Nutrasheets is an add-on that allows you to formulate foods and generate nutrition labels in Google Sheets. Nutrasheets can: Create formulas, streams and batch sheets Select from 350,000 ingredients to insert into your formulas or create custom ingredients Create and customize US Nutrition Facts in 6 different formats including dual column nutrition facts Create and customize ingredient and allergen statements for formulas Export labels as PDFs for use in packaging graphics Nutrasheets can be used for free by installing it from Google Workspace Marketplace or under the Add-ons menu → Get add-ons in Google Sheets. Learn more about Nutrasheets, create US nutrition labels, and sign up for a free 1 month trial of Nutrasheets Pro at . Let me know if there is any opportunity to help. Thank you, Ben Gross Chief Solutions Architect Nutrition Engineering LLC 1 post - 1 participant Read full topic

Freezing thawing and conversation meat

Freezing thawing and conversation meat Hello I have to do a presentation on freezing and thawing and conversation meat,I need your help it’s very important for me to do this because I’m graduating on food technology can someone send me a link or something where can I learn more about this topic.

Let’s talk about any new food info, product or ingredient

Let’s talk about any new food info, product or ingredient Let’s exchange any new information or knowledge or food ingredient that you came across recently. Monatin is something new to me. An alternative natural sweetner. It has the taste profile of aspartame. 3000 times sweeter than sugar, less calories.

Non Palm Solution

Non Palm Solution it’s vegetable oil with similar fatty acid composition with palm oil. if anyone is looking palm oil alternative, please let me know so we can discuss more detail. this oil has many other application.

Shrimp ammonium smell as an effect of drying

Shrimp ammonium smell as an effect of drying We are developing a new shrimp product using vacuum microwave drying. The shrimp is top quality consumer grade shell-on. Nothing special about sulphites or phosphates - everything is below the norm. Cold chain is unbroken. We receive IQF freezed product of 82% moisture.

Aging of grains and pluses

Aging of grains and pluses Hello, I’m very curious about aging of grains and pulses. How to know if grains or pulses you purchased from market to manufacture a food product is fresh or old? Using old raw material can deteriorate the finished product and to prevent this what test should be done or machinery required.

Frozen dairy cream 35% fat

Frozen dairy cream 35% fat I am working on Dairy frozen cream pasteurized only not UHT. Issue/ problem of phase seperation when the cream is thawing at ambient temperature. Can any one suggest me which stabilizes/gums and emulsifier help to control the phase seperation on thawing.

Research ideas about processed cheese

Research ideas about processed cheese thank you Mr. Edgardo for positive response. Kindly suggest me about pasteurized blended cheese: to obtain/improve quality by replacing the material like emulsifier, starch etc or fortify to improve nutritional & textural value and lower the cost of final product.

Legal regulations on plant-based dairy products

Legal regulations on plant-based dairy products The increasing trend of vegan nutrition and the acceleration of scientific studies on the subject have pushed states to various legal regulations. Protecting the consumer rights and preventing unfair competition are the basis of the regulations and policies.

Let's talk about cheeses

Let's talk about cheeses What is Quark? One of the most exciting things we’ve been involved with this year has been the launch of Graham’s Quark, in both Natural and Vanilla flavours. Understandably, we’ve had a fair few questions about the product, so we thought we’d take the opportunity...

Cheese stability

Cheese stability Thank you for doing the Google search & sharing the pdfs. Appreciate that But I guess, my question was not read properly. The google search does commendable job in getting points related to Manufacturing of cheese & extending shelf life .

Milk & Milk Products

Milk & Milk Products Actually ,you can search it yourself if you just exert some effort. The web is a repository of many books which just need diligence from the searcher to find it.

MohR Method (Determination of Chloride Ion Concentration by Titration)

MohR Method (Determination of Chloride Ion Concentration by Titration) Where can I get an official procedure for mhor method. Our lab uses this method in our products salt analysis, our work instruction does not include references for the method we are using. I am thinking where can i get some references.

Effect of environmental stresses on the survival and cytotoxicity of Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli

Effect of environmental stresses on the survival and cytotoxicity of Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli The objective of this study was to determine the effect of environmental stresses on the cytotoxicity of Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC). STEC O157:H7 and six non-O157 STEC strains (O26:H11, O103:H1, O104:H4, O111:NM, O121:NM, and O145:NM) were subjected to osmotic (aw 0.95–0.

Aflatoxins content

Aflatoxins content Aflatoxin formation is directly proportional to the moisture of the food. This is partially prevented if the product is well dried before storage. Storage conditions are important for this.

AOAC Official Methods of Analysis

AOAC Official Methods of Analysis Dear Roy, Don’t be so emotional, I have not mentioned to get this book illegally, further to your knowledge previous versions of this book are available and downloadable easily. I am very astonished to see your attitude. Regards

Introduction to the microbiology of food processing

Introduction to the microbiology of food processing Microbiology refers to the study of microorganisms. As the name suggests, microorganisms are organisms that are so small they can only be seen using a microscope. Bacteria, fungi (such as yeasts and molds), protozoa, viruses, algae, and some parasites are all types of microorganisms.

Nutritional Value of Grain-Based Foods

Nutritional Value of Grain-Based Foods Grains are fundamental in the daily diets of many people worldwide; they are used for the production of popular foods, such as bread, bakery products, breakfast cereals, pasta, couscous, bulgur, and snacks.

Biscuit and bakery products

Biscuit and bakery products Hello, guys am currently working on a biscuit recipe which I have progressed very well on the recipe except that the biscuit is still tough and I don’t get to have those air spaces/porous spaces in the biscuit. can anyone please tell me what I can do here?

Antifoaming agent

Antifoaming agent Dear fstdesk Greeting Regard to my subject I am looking for method for adding an antifoaming agent to frying oil. Most food additives literature’s mention the dosing percentage only, and I didn’t find any thesis highlight to the proper method of addition.

Puff pastry

Puff pastry hi everyone! In the company I work for, we sell puff pastry dough to our customers. When our customer analyzes the puff pastry, the pH level of the product is high. The water and salt values ​​are ideal, but the pH is high. What are the reasons for pH increase during puff pastry storage?

Sodium alginate

Sodium alginate The chemistry of alginate gelling is well known…as a food technologist you should be familiar with it. If not its primarily divalent - univalent ion exchange.The soluble sodium ion in sodium alginate is displaced by calcium ions forming the denser calcium.alginate gel…

Trans fat in Bakery products

Trans fat in Bakery products Yes, with more regulations and labeling requirements, and especially since bakery products might have trans fats, they are now wanting to have this analysis.

Oxygen Scavengers: An Approach on Food Preservation

Oxygen Scavengers: An Approach on Food Preservation Many foods are very sensitive for oxygen, which is responsible for the deterioration of many products either directly or indirectly. In fact, in many cases food deterioration is caused by oxidation reactions or by the presence of spoilage aerobic microorganisms.

Water Quality Parameters

Water Quality Parameters Since the industrial revolution in the late eighteenth century, the world has discovered new sources of pollution nearly every day. So, air and water can potentially become polluted everywhere. Little is known about changes in pollution rates.

What is FSTDESK?

What is FSTDESK? FSTDESK is a discussion platform focused on only FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY. It is an UNIQUE platform, there is no similar one in the world.

Tulum Cheese Production

Tulum Cheese Production Tulum cheese production is made in two types, dry and pickled, which differ greatly from each other in terms of production technique and appearance. Although pickled production is generally seen in the Aegean region, dry type tulum cheese is mainly produced in other regions.

Sausage Production

Sausage Production During the searches, it was determined that the shelf life of the salt pressed meat was longer. It has been discovered that salt can benefit from spices after it has been found to extend the shelf life of meat.

What Is Modified Atmosphere Packaging (MAP)?

What Is Modified Atmosphere Packaging (MAP)? The modified atmosphere packaging method is one of the most common methods used in food preservation. MAP is one of the most important food preservation techniques that preserves natural quality and extends the shelf life of fresh or minimally processed foods.

Hard sugar panning and chocolate panning

Hard sugar panning and chocolate panning Hard sugar panning or chocolate panning is an art i think. It is not an easy job, you have to know all details to make a perfect product. If you have questions about sugar panning and chocolate panning please ask it by comment.

Mevzuat arama motoru

Mevzuat arama motoru Mevzuatlara ulaşmak artık çok daha kolay. Aradığınız mevzuata gelişmiş arama motoru ve kullanıcı dostu arayüzü sayesinde’te kolaylıkla ulaşabilirsiniz.

Plastic rice

Plastic rice It’s a fabricated rice ,made by mixing rice flour ,grits ,little salt, distilled monoglycerides ,some enrichment or fortification blend , then passing it through a twin screw extruder that comes put from a die that simulates rice grain in appearance.

Free fatty acids

Free fatty acids Analysis of fatty acid profiles of free fatty acids generated in deep-frying... During the deep fat food frying process, the frying media, oil, continuously degenerates when exposed to high temperature, oxygen and moisture.

Determination of Carnosic acid in rosemary

Determination of Carnosic acid in rosemary Determination of carnosic acid in Rosmarinus officinalis L. using square wave... A new, fast, sensitive and simple voltammetric method is established for the direct determination of carnosic acid (CA).

Starch gelatinization

Starch gelatinization In the most basic language , the process of breaking down the bonds of starch molecules in the presence of water and heat allowing the hydrogen bonding sites ( the hydroxy hydrogen and oxygen) to engage more water. This dissolves the starch granules in water.

Food Flavourings

Food Flavourings sometimes it is good to put questions as what it is aimed for…Here i am not sure may be you synthesized the chemical and you are just looking for its quality or shelf life based testing.

Upcoming beverages

Upcoming beverages Can anyone help me out regarding usage of THC & CBD extract from Cannabis plants (From leaf & seed part as per legalize) in my Carbonated beverages formulation?

Cracks on Whipping Cream

Cracks on Whipping Cream Dear Professionals please guide how to control cracks on whipping cream cake during storage in refrigerator after decoration. And how to improve whipping ability I mean how to increase strength.

Alternatives for Sugar Replacement in Food Technology: Formulating and Processing Key Aspects

Alternatives for Sugar Replacement in Food Technology: Formulating and Processing Key Aspects Abstract The physical, chemical, thermal, rheological, and sensory characteristics of spreads with noncarbohydrate nutritive sweeteners (such as polyols), produced on ball mill, could be predicted.

Olive Oil Phenols

Olive Oil Phenols Olive oils contain numerous substances that have a beneficial role in human health. Phenols are natural compounds that are present in extra-virgin olive oil (EVOO), and they are produced at the malaxation step of the olive oil production.

Changes in Cashew Apple Juice Flavor after Tangential Microfiltration Process

Changes in Cashew Apple Juice Flavor after Tangential Microfiltration Process Cashew is a highly nutritive fruit native to Brazil, but the high astringency of its integral juice limits its acceptability and consumption. Using tangential microfiltration process it is already possible to reduce up to 97% of the tannin present in the cashew juice.

Pyrolysis of Table Sugar

Pyrolysis of Table Sugar Table sugars were pyrolyzed at different temperatures (300, 400, and 500°C) in a fixed-bed reactor. The effect of pyrolysis temperature on yields of liquid, solid, and gaseous products was investigated.

Antimicrobial Activity and Mechanism of Action of the Amaranthus tricolor Crude Extract against Staphylococcus aureus and Potential Application in Cooked Meat

Antimicrobial Activity and Mechanism of Action of the Amaranthus tricolor Crude Extract against Staphylococcus aureus and Potential Application in Cooked Meat Amaranthus tricolor has been reported to contain some antimicrobial compounds, such as alkaloids, polyphenols, and terpenoids. However, its effect on Staphylococcus aureus has been less well researched.

Induced Ripening Agents and Their Effect on Fruit Quality of Banana

Induced Ripening Agents and Their Effect on Fruit Quality of Banana Abstract Ripening is a genetically programmed highly coordinated irreversible phenomenon which includes many biochemical changes including tissue softening, pigment changes, aroma and flavour volatile production, reduction in astringency, and many others.

Nanostructured Colloids in Food Science

Nanostructured Colloids in Food Science Nanostructured colloids are materials with at least one dimension in the nanometer range (<100 nm). Such materials find multiple and exciting applications in various areas of food science, and can lead to development of new and innovative food products and ingredients.

High Hydrostatic Pressure Treatment of Meat Products

High Hydrostatic Pressure Treatment of Meat Products High hydrostatic pressure (HHP) treatment has been described to improve the microbiological safety and shelf life of ready-to-eat (RTE) meat products, as a nonthermal decontamination technology in the meat industry, applied at pre- or post-packaging.

Formulation of Functional Yogurt by Cofermentation of Milk and Papaya Fruit

Formulation of Functional Yogurt by Cofermentation of Milk and Papaya Fruit This study was carried out to determine the potential of adding Fresh skinned papaya pulp (FSP) into yoghurt for the improvement of the functional properties of yoghurt and the resulting effects of adding PPF on the physicochemical and sensory properties of the product during a 30 days’ storage pe

Ethnic Fermented Food Products of Nagaland, India

Ethnic Fermented Food Products of Nagaland, India Ethnic food fermentation process forms one of the oldest methods of food preparation and preservation which not only increases the shelf life of the food but have benefits of improving the physiochemical characteristics and nutritional quality.

Mycotoxins analysis using NIR technology

Mycotoxins analysis using NIR technology Não é de hoje que sabemos da importância do monitoramento de micotoxinas na agroindústria para a produção de rações. Há algum tempo também temos conhecimento do uso da tecnologia NIR para análises bromatológicas na indústria de alimentos e feed. O...

Methods for Detection of Aflatoxins in Agricultural Food Crops

Methods for Detection of Aflatoxins in Agricultural Food Crops Aflatoxins are toxic carcinogenic secondary metabolites produced predominantly by two fungal species: Aspergillus flavus and Aspergillus parasiticus . These fungal species are contaminants of foodstuff as well as feeds and are responsible for aflatoxin contamination of these agro products.

Water Quality Parameters

Water Quality Parameters Since the industrial revolution in the late eighteenth century, the world has discovered new sources of pollution nearly every day. So, air and water can potentially become polluted everywhere. Little is known about changes in pollution rates.

Quality Assessment of Sweet Cherry (Prunus avium) Juice Treated with Different Chemical Preservatives

Quality Assessment of Sweet Cherry (Prunus avium) Juice Treated with Different Chemical Preservatives This research was conducted to assess the quality of sweet cherry juice treated with sodium benzoate and potassium sorbate. The samples were packed in 1000 ml PET bottles and stored at ambient temperature.

Effects of Blanching and Natural Convection Solar Drying on Quality Characteristics of Red Pepper (Capsicum annuum L.)

Effects of Blanching and Natural Convection Solar Drying on Quality Characteristics of Red Pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) The objective of this work was to determine the effects of blanching and two drying methods, open-sun drying and natural convection solar drying, on the quality characteristics of red pepper.

Investigating Enzyme Activity of Immobilized Candida rugosa Lipase

Investigating Enzyme Activity of Immobilized Candida rugosa Lipase Candida rugosa lipase is a food-grade enzyme that is extensively utilized in the dairy processing industry for milk fat hydrolysis. The enzyme is mainly employed to modify the fatty acid chain length that results in the enhancement of flavors. The hydrolytic activities of C.

FSSAI Annual Returns Process

FSSAI Annual Returns Process Can some one please let me know the process to fill the FSSAI Annual Returns for the Previous years 2018-19. Is there any online process please provide me the URL. If offline process if any one have the Manual or documentation please let me know.

Effects of Radiation Technologies on Food Nutritional Quality

Effects of Radiation Technologies on Food Nutritional Quality Generally, foods are thermally processed to destroy the vegetative microorganisms for food preservation. However, only thermal treatment triggers many unwanted biochemical reactions, which leads to undesirable sensorial and nutritional effects.

Türk gıda kodeksi gıda ile temas eden plastik madde ve malzemelerin bileşenlerinin migrasyon testinde kullanılan gıda benzerleri listesi tebliği

Türk gıda kodeksi gıda ile temas eden plastik madde ve malzemelerin bileşenlerinin migrasyon testinde kullanılan gıda benzerleri listesi tebliği MADDE 1 – (1) Bu Tebliğin amacı; gıda ile temas eden plastik madde ve malzemelerin bileşenlerinin migrasyon testinde kullanılan gıda benzerleri listesini belirlemektir.

Türk gıda kodeksi bebek formülleri ve devam formülleri tebliği

Türk gıda kodeksi bebek formülleri ve devam formülleri tebliği MADDE 1 – (1) Bu Tebliğin amacı, bebek formülleri ve devam formüllerinin bileşim, etiketleme, sunum ve reklam gereklilikleri ile bebek ve küçük çocuk beslenmesi ile ilgili bilgilendirme gerekliliklerini belirlemektir.

Türk gıda kodeksi içme sütleri tebliği

Türk gıda kodeksi içme sütleri tebliği MADDE 1 – (1) Bu Tebliğin amacı; içme sütlerinin tekniğine uygun, hijyenik şekilde üretimi, depolanması, taşınması ve piyasaya arz edilmesini sağlamak üzere özelliklerini belirlemektir. MADDE 2 – ( l ) Bu Tebliğ içme sütlerini kapsar. Çiğ sütü kapsamaz.

Türk gıda kodeksi gıda ile temas eden madde ve malzemelere dair yönetmelik

Türk gıda kodeksi gıda ile temas eden madde ve malzemelere dair yönetmelik BİRİNCİ BÖLÜM Amaç, Kapsam, Dayanak ve Tanımlar Amaç MADDE 1 – (1) Bu Yönetmeliğin amacı, gıda ile doğrudan ya da dolaylı olarak temas eden veya temas etmesi beklenen madde ve malzemelerin; insan sağlığının yüksek seviyede korunmasının sağlanması ve tüketici çıkarının

Türk gıda kodeksi vücut ağırlığı kontrolü için diyetin yerini alan gıdalar tebliği

Türk gıda kodeksi vücut ağırlığı kontrolü için diyetin yerini alan gıdalar tebliği MADDE 1 – (1) Bu Tebliğin amacı, vücut ağırlığı kontrolü için diyetin yerini alan gıdaların bileşim, etiketleme, sunum ve reklam gerekliliklerini belirlemektir.

How to reduce Browning of wax extracted from Banana leaves and peels

May you suggest the best way of extracting wax from banana leaves and peels without Browning. I want to use that extract to measure it’s natural preservative effect in unpasteurized juice. Browning may oxidize the polyphenols one of the antibacterial and antimicrobial compound In wax which it’s absence may reduce it’s preservative effect. I hope u can help me the best method for extraction. 1 post - 1 participant Read full topic

Türk gıda kodeksi gıda katkı maddeleri, gıda enzimleri ve gıda aroma vericilerine ilişkin ortak izin prosedürü hakkında yönetmelik

Türk gıda kodeksi gıda katkı maddeleri, gıda enzimleri ve gıda aroma vericilerine ilişkin ortak izin prosedürü hakkında yönetmelik BİRİNCİ BÖLÜM Amaç, Kapsam, Dayanak ve Tanımlar Amaç MADDE 1 – (1) Bu Yönetmeliğin amacı, tüketici ve insan sağlığının, tüketici haklarının korunmasını da göz önünde bulundurarak; a) Gıdalarda kullanılan gıda katkı maddeleri, gıda enzimleri, gıda aroma vericileri, g

Türk gıda kodeksi gıdalara vitaminler, mineraller ve belirli diğer öğelerin eklenmesi hakkında yönetmelik

Türk gıda kodeksi gıdalara vitaminler, mineraller ve belirli diğer öğelerin eklenmesi hakkında yönetmelik MADDE 1 – (1) Bu Yönetmeliğin amacı, tüketicilerin en üst düzeyde korunmasını sağlamak amacıyla vitaminler, mineraller ve belirli diğer öğelerin gıdalara eklenmesine ilişkin usul ve esasları belirlemektir.

Türk gıda kodeksi̇ hızlı dondurulmuş gıdaların depolanması, muhafazası ve taşınması sırasında sıcaklığın i̇zlenmesi̇ hakkında tebli̇ğ

Türk gıda kodeksi̇ hızlı dondurulmuş gıdaların depolanması, muhafazası ve taşınması sırasında sıcaklığın i̇zlenmesi̇ hakkında tebli̇ğ MADDE 1 – (1) Bu Tebliğin amacı; hızlı dondurulmuş gıdaların depolanması, muhafazası ve taşınması sırasında sıcaklığın izlenmesi ile ilgili kuralları belirlemektir.

Ccp decision tree and ra matrix

Ccp decision tree and ra matrix CCP decision tree shows the possible risk to occur and how to control them in a production plan whereas RA matrix provides the severity of possible risk that can occur that is graded in numbers. you would need both in HACCP.

Türk gıda kodeksi hedef dışı yemlere taşınması önlenemeyen koksidiyostatların ve histomonostatların hayvansal gıdalardaki maksimum miktarları hakkında yönetmelik

Türk gıda kodeksi hedef dışı yemlere taşınması önlenemeyen koksidiyostatların ve histomonostatların hayvansal gıdalardaki maksimum miktarları hakkında yönetmelik MADDE 1 – (1) Bu Yönetmeliğin amacı; hedef dışı yemlere taşınması önlenemeyen koksidiyostatların ve histomonostatların hayvansal gıdalarda bulunabilecek maksimum miktarlarının belirlenmesidir.

Türk gıda kodeksi aroma vericiler ve aroma verme özelliği taşıyan gıda bileşenleri yönetmeliği

Türk gıda kodeksi aroma vericiler ve aroma verme özelliği taşıyan gıda bileşenleri yönetmeliği BİRİNCİ BÖLÜM Amaç, Kapsam, Dayanak ve Tanımlar Amaç MADDE 1 – (1) Bu Yönetmeliğin amacı, tüketici ve insan sağlığını, tüketici haklarını, gıda satışında adaletin sağlanmasını ve uygun durumlarda çevrenin korunmasını da göz önünde bulundurarak, gıdalarda kullanıl

Yalancı tavuk vebası hastalığına karşı korunma ve mücadele yönetmeliği

Yalancı tavuk vebası hastalığına karşı korunma ve mücadele yönetmeliği BİRİNCİ BÖLÜM Amaç, Kapsam, Dayanak ve Tanımlar Amaç MADDE 1 – (1) Bu Yönetmeliğin amacı; kümes hayvanlarında, yarış güvercinlerinde ve diğer kapalı beslenen kuşlarda yalancı tavuk vebası (Newcastle) hastalığına karşı hazırlıklı olunması, hastalıktan korunması ve ha

What is dextrose equivalent?

What is dextrose equivalent? The degree of conversion of starch is measured by “Dextrose Equivalent (DE)”. This term is the sum of the reducing sugars expressed in grams of anhydrite D-glucose in every 100 g dry matter of glucose syrup. The degree of hydrolysis of starch determines the composition of the final product.

Bombus arısı yönetmeliği

Bombus arısı yönetmeliği BİRİNCİ BÖLÜM Amaç, Kapsam, Dayanak ve Tanımlar Amaç MADDE 1 – (1) Bu Yönetmeliğin amacı; yerli gen kaynaklarımızdan olan bombus arısının doğadan toplanmasını ve yurt dışına kaçırılmasını önlemek, denetimli koşullarda yetiştirilmesini teşvik etmek, sağlıklı ve kal

Robocash - asiatische P2P Kredite mit über 12% Rendite vergeben

Robocash - asiatische P2P Kredite mit über 12% Rendite vergeben Im Februar 2021 habe ich mein erstes Geld auf Robocash angelegt und war gespannt wie es im Vergleich zu meinen anderen P2P Erfahrungen bei Bondora, Estateguru, ReInvest24, Bondster, Twino, EvoEstate, Kviku, Greenvesting und Moncera laufen würde.

Moncera - Baltische P2P-Kredite mit über 11% Rendite

Moncera - Baltische P2P-Kredite mit über 11% Rendite Im November 2020 habe ich mein erstes Geld auf Moncera angelegt und war gespannt wie es im Vergleich zu meinen anderen P2P-Erfahrungen bei Bondora, Estateguru, ReInvest24, Bondster, Twino und EvoEstate laufen würde. (Den Artikel, was ist P2P überhaupt, findest du hier).

EvoEstate – In P2P-Immobilien, -Kredite und -Beteiligungen für bis zu 30% Rendite in ganz Europa investieren

EvoEstate – In P2P-Immobilien, -Kredite und -Beteiligungen für bis zu 30% Rendite in ganz Europa investieren Im Juni 2020 habe ich mein erstes Geld auf EvoEstate angelegt und war gespannt wie es im Vergleich zu meinen anderen P2P Erfahrungen bei Bondora, Estateguru, ReInvest24, Bondster und Twino laufen würde. (Den Artikel, was ist P2P überhaupt, findest du hier).


REINVEST24 – DIE P2P REAL ESTATE PLATTFORM Seit dem 25.02.2019 bin ich auf der P2P Plattform ReInvest24 investiert. ReInvest24 ist eine Real Estate crowdfunding Investment Plattform aus Estland (Was ist crowdfunding?). Ist es möglich diesem Fintech Unternehmen zu vertrauen und passives Einkommen zu generieren?

Bondster - P2P Kredite für 12% Rendite in 8 exotischen Ländern vergeben

Bondster - P2P Kredite für 12% Rendite in 8 exotischen Ländern vergeben Im Dezember 2019 habe ich mein erstes Geld auf Bondster angelegt und war gespannt wie es im Vergleich zu meinen anderen P2P Erfahrungen bei Bondora, Estateguru, ReInvest24 und Twino laufen würde. (Den Artikel, was P2P überhaupt ist, findest du hier).


Twino Im Mai 2018 habe ich mein erstes Geld auf Twino angelegt und ich war gespannt wie Twino sich im Vergleich zu meinen anderen P2P Erfahrungen bei Bondora, Estateguru, ReInvest24 und Bondster verhalten würde. (Den Artikel, was P2P überhaupt ist, findest du hier).

ESTATEGURU review - Ein Überblick über meine Erfahrungen im Test

ESTATEGURU review - Ein Überblick über meine Erfahrungen im Test Am 28.05.2018 wurde mein erstes Investment auf der P2P-Plattform Estateguru vollzogen (Artikel zu was P2P überhaupt ist, findest du hier). Bei Estateguru kannst du in kurzfristige, immobilienbesicherte Darlehen investieren.

Robocash - asiatische p2p Kredite mit über 12% Rendite

Robocash - asiatische p2p Kredite mit über 12% Rendite Am 28.05.2018 wurde mein erstes Investment auf der P2P-Plattform Bondora vollzogen (Den Artikel, was ist P2P, findest du hier). Bei Bondora kannst du in P2P-Verbraucherkredite investieren. Das heißt, du leihst jemandem Geld, der dies für seine Zwecke nutzen kann.

Choco In Milk Shake Why Settled In Bottom

tmp-cam-5391189037608140290 480×640 136 KB Choco In Milk Shake Why Settled In Bottom Kindly Give Solutions 1 post - 1 participant Read full topic

Nutritional Composition of Meat

Nutritional Composition of Meat Meat ranks among one of the most significant, nutritious and favored food item available to masses, which aids in fulfilling most of their body requirements. It has played a vital role in human evolution and is an imperative constituent of a well-balanced diet.

Methods for Detection of Aflatoxins in Agricultural Food Crops

Methods for Detection of Aflatoxins in Agricultural Food Crops Aflatoxins are toxic carcinogenic secondary metabolites produced predominantly by two fungal species: Aspergillus flavus and Aspergillus parasiticus . These fungal species are contaminants of foodstuff as well as feeds and are responsible for aflatoxin contamination of these agro products.

Control of Foodborne Biological Hazards by Ionizing Radiations

Control of Foodborne Biological Hazards by Ionizing Radiations Ionization radiations are used to ensure food safety and quality. This irradiation process uses ions of beta or gamma rays to inactivate or destroy the food spoilage pests, microorganisms and their toxins without significantly increasing the temperature of the treated product.

Composition and Properties of Camel Milk

Composition and Properties of Camel Milk Camel is considered as one of the most important and ecologically harmless domesticated animals in the dry region of Asia and Africa. Camels have considerable economic importance not only as a draught animal, but also for their milk and its by-products.

Oxygen Scavengers: An Approach on Food Preservation

Oxygen Scavengers: An Approach on Food Preservation Many foods are very sensitive for oxygen, which is responsible for the deterioration of many products either directly or indirectly. In fact, in many cases food deterioration is caused by oxidation reactions or by the presence of spoilage aerobic microorganisms.

Soy as a Functional Food

Soy as a Functional Food Soybean ( Glycine max , L.) has been part of Southeast Asia culture for almost 2 millennia. However, only in the second half of the 19th century has it started being used in the Western world coinciding with the Chinese migration to the USA.

MicroThermics for small scale UHT/HTST/pasteurization thermal processing

MicroThermics for small scale UHT/HTST/pasteurization thermal processing Hello there. My name is Eric Schraibman with MicroThermics, the global leader in small scale UHT/HTST/pasteurization thermal processing. If you are interested in ramping up your R&D efforts while seamlessly ramping up to full scale production, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

Shelf life extension of papad

Shelf life extension of papad Hello everyone, I am looking for suggestions on how we can enhance the shelf life of papad which is generally served as an appetizer in India. The current shelf life of the product is 15 days.

Pulsed Electric Fields for Food Processing Technology

Pulsed Electric Fields for Food Processing Technology Pulsed electric fields PEF is a non-thermal method of food preservation that uses short pulses of electricity for microbial inactivation and causes minimal detrimental effect on food quality attributes. PEF technology aims to offer consumers high-quality foods.

Mozzarella cheese making

Mozzarella cheese making Professional, I’m having difficulty in stretching my curd for mozzarella. Its not stretching, please guide me Technically, casein protein to uncoil and form.strands it needs heat treatment preferably in ionized water( salt solution).

Yurt içinde canlı hayvan ve hayvansal ürünlerin nakilleri hakkında yönetmelik

Yurt içinde canlı hayvan ve hayvansal ürünlerin nakilleri hakkında yönetmelik MADDE 1 – (1) Bu Yönetmeliğin amacı, ülke içindeki sperma, ovum, embriyo , göçer hayvanlar hariç olmak üzere hayvansal ürünler ve canlı hayvan nakillerinde uygulanacak kuralları belirlemektir.

Evcil hayvan genetik kaynaklarının korunması ve sürdürülebilir kullanımı hakkında yönetmelik

Evcil hayvan genetik kaynaklarının korunması ve sürdürülebilir kullanımı hakkında yönetmelik MADDE 1 – (1) Bu Yönetmeliğin amacı; Türkiye’de bulunan evcil hayvan genetik kaynakları kapsamında, bu kaynakların korunması ve sürdürülebilir kullanımı ile ilgili usul ve esasları düzenlemektir.

Help solve problem of sponge cake

Help solve problem of sponge cake Dear all, This is the problem of the sponge cake that I am dealing with. The cake rose well, but in the middle of the cake, the crumbs are not uniform. They look coarse and drier than the other parts of the cake. Can you please share with me your experience to address the problem. P.

What do you use to measure of chocolate particle size?

What do you use to measure of chocolate particle size? In chocolate liquor refining particle size are aggregates -of different particle sizes. Wait …400 microns …? Is it not that gritty,? that just about 0.4 mm…Well refined chocolate should not be more than 30 microns and not lesser than 10 microns.

Career advise

Career advise I’m a food science and technology graduate. I want to major in food product development, which online course is the best, and which internship area will lead be to my dreams? Kindly

Career advise

I’m a food science and technology graduate. I want to major in food product development, which online course is the best, and which internship area will lead be to my dreams? Kindly 1 post - 1 participant Read full topic

Cheese making

Cheese making Professional, I’m having difficulty in stretching my curd for mozzarella. Its not stretching, please guide me

Cheese making

Professional, I’m having difficulty in stretching my curd for mozzarella. Its not stretching, please guide me 1 post - 1 participant Read full topic

Legality of Natamycin E235 in beverages

Legality of Natamycin E235 in beverages Thanks a lot, Roy for ur reply. Yes, Natamycin is recognized safe for human consumption but do you think it can be used in the food category of flavoured drinks 14.1.4 in USA and Europe ? or just cheese and cured meat?

Tulum Cheese

Tulum Cheese Cheese is the most diverse dairy product in the world. It is likely that Asian nomads were the first to discover cheese. The nomads, who received almost all of their livelihoods from the animals they fed, used the animal’s tripe or untanned leather bags to store food.

A Guide to Calculating the Shelf Life of Foods

A Guide to Calculating the Shelf Life of Foods What is shelf life? Shelf life is a guide for the consumer of the period of time that food can be kept before it starts to deteriorate, provided any stated storage conditions have been followed. The shelf life of a product begins from the time the food is prepared or manufactured.