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Kasım, 2021 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor

Designing a Food/Water Microbial Testing Lab

Designing a Food/Water Microbial Testing Lab I am trying to design a food & water microbial and physio-chem lab in the meat processing industry that I am currently working in. I need advice for a basic setting/plan and the requirement for a lab within our QA and R&D departments.

How to smoothen konyaku jelly product

How to smoothen konyaku jelly product From.what I remember there are special carrageenan for that purpose. Not just any carrageenan you buy from suppliers. The one I made two decades back for my employer came from, FMC carrageenan, called Gelcarin… Just like Jello.

Shelf life of Australian red meat

Shelf life of Australian red meat Australian meat has a reputation around the world for excellent shelf life. The Australian meat industry produces meat products with shelf lives ranging from a few days (entire cuts, roasts and ground meats) to several months (vacuum-packed primals) to more than one year (frozen manufacturing meat).

Introduction to the microbiology of food processing

Introduction to the microbiology of food processing Microbiology refers to the study of microorganisms. As the name suggests, microorganisms are organisms that are so small they can only be seen using a microscope. Bacteria, fungi (such as yeasts and molds), protozoa, viruses, algae, and some parasites are all types of microorganisms.


NOAEL and LOAEL? What is the difference between NOAEL and LOAEL ? In my thinking the two terms are kind of the same. NOAEL is the level below which no adverse effects are observed.

Beginner in food product formulation

Beginner in food product formulation Hello everyone, I´m a beginner in the food industry (I am a food engineer), and I’m having issues at work because I don’t know how to formulate well any product. I really want to learn how to formulate.

Beginner in food product formulation

Hello everyone, I´m a beginner in the food industry (I am a food engineer), and I’m having issues at work because I don’t know how to formulate well any product. I really want to learn how to formulate. Could you please tell me some updated books that I can read and start formulating better? I appreciate it 1 post - 1 participant Read full topic

Developer's Guide: UHT/HTST Processing Next Generation Protein Products (FI Europe Webinar)

Developer's Guide: UHT/HTST Processing Next Generation Protein Products (FI Europe Webinar) Plant-based proteins are not really “alternative” anymore, are they. Their popularity has blossomed into the development of a wide range of pasteurized, ESL, and aseptic products like milks, shakes, yogurts, and even desserts like puddings and ice creams.

Salt inclusion

Salt inclusion There are conversion apps in the web if you search for it. But you can do it the conventional way…Try to thibk and understand first whats is grams per liter and percentage…Then use arithmetic to get your values…

Beer filtration

Beer filtration Hello, I want to make a beer filtration experiment in laboratory conditions, and I want to use filter powder, Can you give me advice How to conduct beer filtration, which equipment do I need? and Which type of filter is suitable. Thank you

Coconut water preservation

Coconut water preservation Scientists at the Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur have found a new method to increase shelf life of tender coconut water. They claim that it can help retain original taste of coconut water for as long as up to 18 weeks.

Flavor lock Processing

Flavor lock Processing Hello everyone I have doubt regarding flavor lock processing. What is the mechanism behind flavor lock processing? . What is the benefit of flavor lock processed food?.

Non thermal processing (Pulsed-light) of fruit juices

Non thermal processing (Pulsed-light) of fruit juices Hello everyone, I’m working on pulsed light processing of liquid food products. I came across the upper limit for the pulsed light irradiation as 12 J/cm2 (fluence), recommended by US-FDA (CFR - Code of Federal Regulations Title 21).

Nutracuetical formulation developmnent

Nutracuetical formulation developmnent If you develop a new product you have to make sufficient background study thats how competent research workers do. Incompetent ones want to ask to be fed with information but thats not productive nor will it help develop their research abilities.

Starting an Application Lab, need suggestions!

Starting an Application Lab, need suggestions! We are looking to open a lab for Application trials purposes only. I was finalizing on the list of equipment that we need and was told that a lab-scale Stephan is required for different types of emulsion cooking.

Cocoa butter types

Cocoa butter types Pressed Cocoa Butter: Oil obtained by pressing from cocoa or cocoa liquor. In the United States, this oil is known as premium oil. Expeller Cocoa Butter: It is defined as the oil obtained by the expeller process.

Bag Seal Inspection

Bag Seal Inspection The Q Seal Flow Wrap system checks the seal integrity of food bags packed on a vertical form fill machine. It detects food residue and greases in the seal area. Folded, burnt or missing seals are reliably detected.

Antiviral Activities of Egg White Proteins

Antiviral Activities of Egg White Proteins Effectively preparing soluble ovomucin with high antiviral activity from egg white. Ovomucin has a great potential because of its numerous bioactivities, which makes it an attractive molecule for industrials.

Toz ve Taneli Gıda Ürünlerinde Inline/Online/Sürekli Nem Ölçümü

Toz ve Taneli Gıda Ürünlerinde Inline/Online/Sürekli Nem Ölçümü Toz formundaki un, nişaşta, kakao ve toz şeker gibi gıda ürünleri ve pirinç, arpa, buğday, mısır gibi bakliyatlar ile fındık, fıstık gibi kuruyemiş ürünlerinde nem ölçümü ve nemi optimum değerde tutmak ürün kalitesi, proses verimliliği ve maliyet gibi parametreler açısınd

GC-MS Meat fatty acid

GC-MS Meat fatty acid Firstly, using a carrier gas be it any that you mentioned is just a basics. Secondly you never mentioned or havent considered the first step, that is converting FA to FAME.

Hot fill closure bore inner plug damage

Hot fill closure bore inner plug damage Hello Mr Anil Shock cooling, which you will apply when you spray a pulverized water with a small hose, coinciding with the outlet right after the bottle is closed and the part that is completely closed, which will solve your problem to a large extent.

What is SOP for determining the Moisture content of Dates and Nuts based energy bar?

What is SOP for determining the Moisture content of Dates and Nuts based energy bar? It depends of the kind of equipment that you use to make the determination, usually if you use a moisture content analyser, you can have your result in minutes, but they are not cheap If you apply something like 100 °C for 3 hours is because you have an oven, and after the 3 hours you have to place

New coffee products

New coffee products These days there is a new trend in coffee which is freeze-dried instant coffee cubes. These are quite portable and don’t even need a complex method of preparation. My question is how the cube shape is given to the product after it is freeze-dried and how should such a product be packaged?

New coffee products

These days there is a new trend in coffee which is freeze-dried instant coffee cubes. These are quite portable and don’t even need a complex method of preparation. My question is how the cube shape is given to the product after it is freeze-dried and how should such a product be packaged? 1 post - 1 participant Read full topic

Calcium carbonate

Calcium carbonate Calcium carbonate appears as white, odorless powder or colorless crystals. Practically insoluble in water. Occurs extensive in rocks world-wide. Ground calcium carbonate (CAS: 1317-65-3) results directly from the mining of limestone.

Food colours

Food colours The avocado seed color is enzyme activated through polyphenol oxidase. If you cut the avocado seed it’s color less but gradually change to brownish orange upon oxidation in air.

What is flavour enhancers?

What is flavour enhancers? FAIA - Flavour enhancers bring out flavour in foods. Salt is the most common. Flavour enhancers bring out the flavour in a wide range of foods without adding a flavour of their own.

Antifoaming agent

Antifoaming agent Dear fstdesk Greeting Regard to my subject I am looking for method for adding an antifoaming agent to frying oil. Most food additives literature’s mention the dosing percentage only, and I didn’t find any thesis highlight to the proper method of addition.

Artificial food flavouring

Artificial food flavouring Limits is not our concern but how do we make sure that we produce quality and safe products for human consumption? Just FYI what we are doing is just simple dilutions. So we import flavour bases and we just come to dilute it with several solvents/ carriers

Artificial food flavouring

Artificial food flavouring Hi Theresa, the only standard you should be making is your internal standard. This is done from normally three batches in factory against a laboratory made standard. The problem is your supplier is probably not giving you a Specification against the made up corresponding flavour.

Shredded Halva

Shredded Halva I’m trying to make shreaded halva ( which has hairy texture) but I’m getting a hard and chewy texture, can anyone help how to make it crispy. Sugar/ water ratio is 75:25, boiling up to 150c Tahini 35% and I’m adding citric acid, not sure if it’s playing with boiled syrup texture !!

Let's talk about cheeses

Let's talk about cheeses What is Quark? One of the most exciting things we’ve been involved with this year has been the launch of Graham’s Quark, in both Natural and Vanilla flavours. Understandably, we’ve had a fair few questions about the product, so we thought we’d take the opportunity...

Milk & Milk Products

Milk & Milk Products Actually ,you can search it yourself if you just exert some effort. The web is a repository of many books which just need diligence from the searcher to find it.

Mozzarella cheese making

Mozzarella cheese making Professional, I’m having difficulty in stretching my curd for mozzarella. Its not stretching, please guide me Technically, casein protein to uncoil and form.strands it needs heat treatment preferably in ionized water( salt solution).

Cheese stability

Cheese stability Thank you for doing the Google search & sharing the pdfs. Appreciate that But I guess, my question was not read properly. The google search does commendable job in getting points related to Manufacturing of cheese & extending shelf life .

Titrable acidity

Titrable acidity As a student you should know how to use your library and internet to find about those things you need to know. Its not the policy of this group to spoon fed students so asto let them learn about initiative and realize their own potentials.

Safety, Quality and Processing of Fruits and Vegetables

Safety, Quality and Processing of Fruits and Vegetables Nowadays, one of the main objectives of the fruit and vegetable industry is to develop innovative novel products with high quality, safety, and optimal nutritional characteristics in order to respond with efficiency to the increasing consumer expectations.

Ana Sayfa

Ana Sayfa Brix gıda endüstrisine Mühendislik ve Danışmanlık hizmetleri sunmaktadır. Brix provides Engineering and Consulting services for food industry.

Raf Ömrü Çalışmaları

Raf Ömrü Çalışmaları Gıda ürünlerinde raf ömrü çalışmaları. Bir gıda ürününe raf ömrüne etki eden girdi, proses, ambalaj ve ambalajlama yöntemi gibi noktalar üzerinde analizler ve beraberinde geliştirmeler yapılarak optimum raf ömrü kazandırılabilir.

Closure inner ring damage

Closure inner ring damage Dear all, My Mango juice is filled in the PET bottle and the closure inner seal intigrity bore plug damaging and allowing the product to leak. Kindly suggest to avoid the problem.

Single service butter

Single service butter Anyone know of a good co-packer for single service butter? We want to include it with our ready to eat popcorn bag. I was thinking the butter may have to be microwaved for a few seconds to allow pouring onto the popcorn. Also, what would be the shelf life of the packaged butter?

Recyclable packs and cooking bags

Recyclable packs and cooking bags guess there are 2 questions here: one on cooking bags and one that is used as a food packaging for heat treatment. If its dissolvable bags, like the material used for cup-noodle seasonings, You could try some natural biopolymeric materials, some composites of gelatin, starch, chitosan, etc etc.

Flexible food packaging | Aluminum alternative

Flexible food packaging | Aluminum alternative I have a noodles soup with (meat - chick - shrimp - veg) flavours powder product which is packed in a sachet The structure of this sachet is PE/Alum/PET I just need to replace the aluminum layer with another material but keeping permiablity as it is, any suggestions?